Friday, December 3, 2010

The Love of Fridays and Romance Novels

There is nothing better on a Friday afternoon than curling up for the weekend with a romance novel. Especially when you have a new release sitting at home waiting for you.

This thought has been getting me through the day and will continue to do so until my clock hits 6pm. By the time Friday evening rolls around I am exhausted, but the thought of curling up on my couch reading a good book can get me though anything. Come Saturday night I'll be ready to party but nothing beats the love of Fridays and Romance novels.

Come on weekend I am ready for you!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Does Anyone Every Really Grow Up?

This past weekend my mother and grandmother came down and visited me in my new apartment. Of course when your mother comes to visit a massive clean up always precedes. I am going to be honest, even though I am 24 years old I don't think I will ever grow out of being spoiled by my mother. We took a trip to Garden Ridge where my mother and grandmother (Tete as we call her- that is a story for another day) argued at the checkout as to who would be the one paying. There is something about two people arguing over who will pay for you that is a little odd. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or join in and argue to pick up the check myself. Instead, my mother and Tete decided that one would take care of Garden Ridge and the other would buy me groceries. After our trip in the grocery store we went back to my apartment where my grandmother put everything away even though she knew where nothing went. After everything was "in its place" she proceeded to take every pot I had out of the cabinets and re-wash them. This was all while my mother was putting my laundry in the dryer and adding a new load to the washer. We put curtains up, re-arranged the decorations that "didn't look right", and cleaned every surface of my apartment with white wine vinegar (which I didn't know before Saturday is a miracle product. It can clean everything from floors and mirrors, to walls and bathtubs).

Come Sunday afternoon I was sitting in the cleanest apartment I have ever had, with clean clothes for the week, and a fridge full of groceries. After the whirlwind of the weekend- the silence was almost deafening.

There is no feeling like being taken care of by your family. I don't think I will ever grow out of it and to be honest I don't think I will ever really want to.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 Qualities All Assistants Should Aquire

So, I found out on Monday that my boss is looking to replace me. He assured me that I would not be out of a job and he would give me ample time to find work. In fact he would like to keep me on as his personal assistant. SMACK- what now? Do I look like Mrs. Fucking Cleaver? If that wasn't bad enough he went on to explain all of the reasons why I would make a great assistant; like answering the phone and scheduling his meetings. Which is exactly why I spent four years and a fortune on a college degree.

Why do I think I was the lucky pick:

1) Big Boobs- a must for an assistant in the office. Low cut shirt...optional
2) Ignore the balding spot- no matter how large it seems to be getting
3) "HAHAHA your so funny!"
4) No you didn't just see him grab crotch while you were trying to ask him a serious question regarding the office.
5) Dirty dish from lunch that you left conveniently on my desk- sure I'll clean it...pass the Dial!
6) Cute voice, sexy tone makes one hell of a message taker.
7) No I don't need help carrying the 20 lbs bag filled with your lecture materials...oh shit but do you mind picking up those papers that just fell on the ground. No...that's okay I can get them....
8) No intercom- fine just yell my name across the office every time you need something faxed...I'll hear you.
9) Of course I take full responsibility for you running late- there is no excuse for me not reminding you for a third time you needed to be on the road by 11:45am.
10)"Yes Sir I'm On It"

Oh there is nothing more satisfying then being the office bitch.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Can't You Be More Like That

One of the hardest jobs out there is dealing with people. Everyone has a different personality, a different way of handling situations, a unique way of "doing" things. I have never met two people who did things the exact same. EVER! With anything!! But every once in awhile you will get someone that asks you the age old question "why can't you do it like she used to do?" What do you say to that? How do you answer a question like that? 

Today at work I had a meeting with my boss (or should I say confrontation since he did most of the talking and I sat there taking it). Eventually, I was being compared to his old Marketing Manager, Kate, who in his eyes should be renamed "Kate The Great", in which every aspect of my job she did better. Oh KTG used to do this, and she was great at that, and blah blah blah. Why can't you be more like KTG? As I sat their silently fuming, all I could think was- she is not that great, in fact she is as personable as a stick and rudeness seems to rise from her like steam off of crap. I swear I can see it and it's mean- real mean. Why in the world would a guy even compare you to another your face? I know I have a tendency to be stoic, but wouldn't anyone be able to see how making a comparison like that could hurt ones feelings? Or more importantly piss you off?

I spent the rest of the afternoon not knowing if I should be sad or mad. Eventually I said screw it. I am who I am, I am good at what I'm good at, and I am bad at what I'm bad at. At the end of the day I like me just fine. I am Stephanie Marie Seufert dammit. I wouldn't want to be more like anyone else, not even KTG, and if he don't like it he can find somebody else.

How I only wish I could have said this to my boss' face, but money talks and bullshit walks...I think he knew that too. Which, I guess, means he can compare me to whomever he pleases- because I will sit there and take it, because that's who I am.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is This A Dream Or Did That Really Just Happen?

So, as I have mentioned a few times in my young blogging life- I am trying to become a writer. Today was my first interview as a freelance proofreader. And yes, even though this wasn't a writing gig I thought- hey anyway I can get a foot inside a publishing company couldn't hurt...right?

I scheduled the interview during my lunch break (as I am still working full time to pay the bills) and thought even if nothing came of it I would still gain valuable experience in the world of publishing. Needless to say I will probably not hear back from this publishing house. I show up extremely early (about 45 minutes) which for me is a blessing from God, since I am usually about 10 minutes late to everything! They did not like all. Now, before the interview I did all of the research- went to their site, researched their authors, but somehow after all of this I missed the part of them being an erotic book publisher. I don't know how I missed this, but I did. I am not a prude by any means- in fact I LOVE romance novels (historical, paranormal, regency, contemporary, etc.), but when you are not expecting erotica it can throw you off. I think I turned bright red about 4 times in a 5 minute period. I only wish there was some way I could have captured the moment I found out I was in an erotic publishing house. Not a very good showing by any means.

I also had to rush through the interview, as my lunch break is only an hour long. My boss had scheduled a meeting for this afternoon that I was not expecting.

So- the experience as a whole was not so great.

The question of the day you ask? Where is the balance?? Now I would have loved to have taken the time to really delve into the history of the publishing company. Maybe then I would have noticed what I was getting into. But by the time I got home yesterday from work- I was tired, hungry, and on the whole I have about 1 hour before I slip into a comatose state in front of the television. Then, my boss plans an afternoon meeting, and since this is the job that's paying now, it is the priority. How do you balance what it is you want to do in life with what you are doing at the moment? How do I juggle this and at what point do you say "you know what writing is what I want to do, therefore everything else is on the back burner". I would like to know how others have done it, and how I can go about doing it better, because another interview like the one I had this afternoon and I can kiss my dreams goodbye.

The one positive: this adventure does make one funny ass story. And being that life is a series of stories I guess the next step is finding the working balance between living them and writing to tell about them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Figuring It All Out

When I graduated from college- the world was my oyster. The problem you may ask...what in the hell do I do with it? I finally realized I do have goals for my life (see my fist post), but more importantly I have figured out what to do with myself. Like really "do" with myself (and it only took two years- which I feel is adequete time). I want to be a WRITER. Not just someone who writes, but a real writer- one who has articles, blogs, and books all written by ME. I would like to make a career out of it- I can only imagine when I can actually focus full-time on making this happen. I know it is not easy for a freelance writer to break into the field. To be honest I am not even sure where to start. I should probably focus on writing- sounds easy right? I need to finish my manuscript. Start getting my name out there. Try and actually make this work.

Anyone out there a writer? If so, any tips, ideas, direction would be more appreciated than you could possibly imagine!

To everyone out there who has found their path- HERE'S TO THE JOURNEY!!
Lets hope it's one hell of a ride!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mid Month Blues

Have I mentioned yet that I am writing a book. Well, I would like to write a book. Sitting down and actually making that happen is proving to be more difficult than expected. I have an apartment full of laundry, boxes that still need to be unpacked (I have been in my new apt for almost two months now), and just enough motivation to say screw it all. It is just one of those weeks. I just can't seem to pull it together even though I really would like to. I have NO motivation to do so what-so-ever!

Does anyone know how to kick the mid-month blues?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Even the Stongest Have Weaknesses

So I knew I would forget at least one of my many goals in my last post. Tomorrow will be my last day as a smoker! I am quiting the cigs down. It's funny...for the last month I have been talking about how October 15th would be my last day to light up. I have talked for a month saying how I know I am ready, I need to quit, how much money I will save and so on. But now that I essentially have only two more days with my dear friend nicotine- I can't help the small voice inside my head that is screaming for me to push it back. I of course will NOT. It is time to quit, and since this month seems to be the month that spurs change for me- it seems to be the perfect time. So tomorrow, I will buy my last pack of ciggies (maybe some exotic flavored brand like Vanilla Dreams...they do taste great) and I will enjoy my last day as a smoker. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are you there God, it's me Stephanie

So, I have started a blog. Nothing fancy, just a place to share my "inner most" feelings. I have tried the traditional form of keeping a journal, hoping it would help with my sanity, but seeing that my journal is still in its original plastic wrap- I thought I would try an electronic version. Where to begin- I guess that would be at the beginning... I have been going through somewhat of a "twenty-something cirsis" the last two years, gained an enormous amount of weight, and can't remember the last time I enjoyed life. You know the feeling when you wake up in the morning excited about the day...yeah I can't remember the last time I thought that. Now that I have realized that very sad fact, I am going to be making some changes. Thats right...CHANGES. Not the buillshit like oh I hope to be a better some real honest to God changes. I need to find a purpose, a reason I am here. I need to get out there and start living life, creating my own destiny. This blog will be my escape, a place to chronicle my experiences. Track my progress. So, I guess first I should layout some goals and a timeline. Make this REAL and not just another attempt (and yes to be honest there have been a few to date....). I am hoping that by putting this in writing it will spir some motivation. I turn 25 in 8 months (on July 8th) so I feel that is a perfect naturally occuring time limit. Now let me set some goals (listed in no particluar order):

GOAL #1: Get back into shape! I have 30 pounds to lose people!!
GOAL #2: Finish my book...yes I am a writer and in the process of writing my first book.
GOAL #3: Meet a Mr. Right-Now
GOAL #4: Can we say get a life- I need to get out there and get moving.
GOAL #5: Learn to cook
GOAL #6: Cook for someone I love
GOAL #7: Be able to answer the question- what am I doing and why?
GOAL #8: Money MANAGEMENT- I could always use more, but I want to learn to live on what I've got!
GOAL #9: Have a large 25th birthday party and invite everyone I know! (and please let that be more that the 5 people I know now..I am not even joking)

There you are: my goals for the next 8 months. Some will be harder than others, but I want this. I really friggin want this, and I want to be able to say "I did it".

So I am dedicating this blog to everyone out there who needs it- whatever their "it" may be.